I follow a few of these, simply a lover of Japan 😍 after visiting several times whilst living in Hong Kong. Thanks for the great recs!

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Thank you! Hope you discover some more gems.

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Thank you very much for the mention and the wonderful intro, Daniel.

I consider “insanely detailed write ups” one of the best compliments I have received in my three decades as a journalist and writer. Some of my former editors may not see it as a compliment at all, though… 😉

Love your list. I spend so much time on the “insanely detailed” research of my articles there is generally little time left to discover other authors on Substack.

Quite a few on your list that I will go and check out. Thanks! 🙏

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Very happy to be included on this list.

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Thanks for the shout-out!

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A TRPG is a tabletop roleplaying game (aka DnD). :) Hope you enjoy.

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Complete side note of no note: Patrick St. Michel is related to me by marriage. So do we get bonus points for being "related in Japan"?

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