Jun 23Liked by Daniel Eve

I learned long ago that Japanese TV and comedy is not shit. Like any country’s output it can devolve and be dumb and weak, but the category itself can be outrageously funny. And indeed highly clever. The Tinkerbell joke is a perfect example.

Tokaimura. The second accident in 2000 involved workers mixing radioactive materials in BUCKETS when one of them exploded. (Or reacted and went boom or whatever that stuff does). If I remember right, two guys were seriously injured with explosion in the face, and one of them (probably luckily for him) died. It was jaw dropping in stupidity.

That nabe made in the dark and everyone “needs” to eat it. Jesus. Lord. I will never allow myself to be at such an event.

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And yami nabé, it's more of a young person thing :)

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I highly recommend the 100 Boké 100 Tsukkomi Challenge videos -- hours of comic brilliance.

Re. nuclear safety, without close even harsh independent regulators everyone becomes blasé. I knew someone from a town where the economy was based around nuclear plants; a common initiation was a jump into the spent fuel pools!

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Thanks for the plug! I might, however, skip the batsu game of yami nabe.

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